Alright, as many of you have noticed: Everything I post is crap. (Crap is an understatement, isn't it?) So, I think it's time to say that I'm not in high school yet. I also had to figure out on my own how to use Flash. (Internet tutorials helped too.) I don't have very much time to use flash and all that. I post artwork thinking it's awesome since my classmates think it's great. I wanted to put that out so maybe you wouldn't think I'm a talentless loser who is 40 and still lives with his parents. To most people, it's amazing that a middle school student knows how to use Flash, but I guess not in all cases that's true. I'm still working on Another Sword Demonstration, although it may take me till mid July to finish it. I don't want to be known around the internet as a "useless review"; I'm gonna try to make everything else I post count.